Lauren Boebert for Congress Launches “Say No to Tipton” Television Advertisement
Rifle, Colorado - Lauren Boebert for Congress announced the launch of the campaign’s new television advertisement "Say No to Scott Tipton".
Lauren Boebert for Congress Launches New Radio Advertisement
Rifle, Colorado - Lauren Boebert for Congress announced the launch of the campaign’s latest radio advertisement. A link to the advertisement and a copy of the script are below.
Sentinel: Boebert has taken the fight outside
Rifle eatery owner moves business outdoors while Polis cracks down on indoor service.
Post Independent: Boebert Openly Defiant
After a cease and desist letter, a temporary restraining order and being told by Garfield County Public Health not to serve customers on the premise, Shooters Grill owner Lauren Beobert decided to take it outside.
WestWord: Boebert on COVID-19 and Challenging Restaurant Closure Order
Video of a packed May 10 Mother's Day crowd at Castle Rock's C&C Coffee and Kitchen, which opened its dining room despite a COVID-19 public-health mandate against on-site service, prompted Colorado Governor Jared Polis to temporarily yank its license and publicly lecture restaurateurs thinking about doing likewise.
Polis Brags to Trump About Opening Colorado While Shooters Grill Gets Served Cease and Desist; Moves Tables to City Street in Effort to Remain Open
Rifle, Colorado - Yesterday while Colorado Governor Jared Polis bragged to President Trump about Colorado opening back up for business, Shooters Grill in Garfield County was served a cease and desist order. Following receipt of the cease and desist order, restaurant owner Lauren Boebert decided rather than closing that she would open Shooters Grill with service on the city street in front of her local business.
Sentinel: Boebert: “I’m willing to take a risk for my people”
The masks that the staff wear at Shooters Grill in Rifle as a pandemic-related precaution only accentuate the guns some of them open-carry, a trademark of the restaurant that has garnered it widespread publicity.
KKCO 11 News: Boebert: “I’m not going to wait on the government to tell me what to do.”
Lauren Boebert, owner of Shooter's Grill in Rifle, and candidate for the Third Congressional District in Colorado, says that her restaurant is opening.
Lauren Boebert Earns Top Line on June 30th Republican Primary Ballot
Rifle, Colorado - Lauren Boebert, the conservative candidate for the United States House of Representatives, earned the top placement of the Colorado 3rd Congressional District June 30th Republican primary ballot today and in doing so relegated 5-term Congressman Scott Tipton to the bottom of the ballot.